mardi 19 mars 2013
mardi 25 octobre 2011
VERNISSAGE in Lausanne, Charlotte Talbot presents her product family "Les Grappes", wining of the Swiss IKEA Grant 2011. A nice exhibition, for which Charlotte has chosen to invite friends in order to collaborate, taking the grapes products as a center point to play with. Douglas Mandry is doing photographs illustrating quotidian gestures in which the subjects are overwhelmed by their own objects, creating some ordinary scenes with something of a imbalanced elegance. Laurence Kubski is doing hand drawings, framing what's the heart of Charlotte's design: the line coming from the cut of the machine saw; allowing endless possibilities of plugging all sizes of hanging bags.
jeudi 6 octobre 2011

This could be a place of historical importance
mercredi 5 octobre 2011
mardi 20 septembre 2011
lundi 20 juin 2011

"The graphics applied on the tables are fictional. They have no meaning other than creating an illusion which outgrows the objective reality of the product. The inspiration is obviously taken from sports (racing cars, bikes, skis etc.) which is a world in which the presumption of speed, performance, strength is heavily pushed. The project is not just about surface decoration. I am interested in the psychology of graphics in relation to products and more specifically, how the semantics of certain colours, words, symbols can change the perception of an object."
from Konstantin Grcic
Le site du peintre sans qui le projet n'aurait jamais pu être aussi bien réalisé: Walter Maurer, Art + Design Works
vendredi 17 juin 2011
samedi 11 juin 2011
mardi 19 avril 2011
vendredi 8 avril 2011
Branca from Juriaan Booij on Vimeo.
I LIKE. branca chair by Sam Hecht, produced by mattiazzi
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